Thank you for over thirty wonderful years of reading and learning together. BFK has closed its doors.
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Corporate Volunteering

Volunteer Day at the Library!
Books for Kids works with corporate volunteers to organize, clean, and set up libraries for preschool children in under-resourced communities. Like Story Time at a Books for Kids library, our volunteer days are playful, collaborative, and fun!
Past volunteer opportunities have included:
- Organizing and cleaning classroom libraries
- Writing library cards and labeling new books
- Sorting and shelving library books by subject and age
- Holiday gift wrapping
Our Corporate Partners have included:
Barclays, Konica Minolta, KPMG, Kohl's, LexisNexis, Legg Mason, and Spencer Stuart to name a few!
While volunteer opportunities are currently limited due to COVID, if you are interested in volunteering and supporting early childhood literacy, please contact Samantha Salloway at